Are You Seeking Guidance On How To Win In The Small Claims Court?
There is a lack of information available, to help people looking to use the courts without a lawyer. Our site and guide were created to fill that gap and help those who are trying to navigate a court process without any previous experience.
We know solicitors can be expensive so we provide our resources at an affordable price, which have been prepared by an experienced expert UK litigation lawyer.
Join the thousands of individuals and businesses who have downloaded our guide and resources, to help achieve a successful outcome in small claims.
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A lot of information about small claims is hidden away and difficult to find.
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If you are going to court for a claim less than £10,000 in value, you need to be familiar with the small claims track of the court system, commonly referred to as the small claims court.
Our site and resources are here to help you understand the process and give you a better chance of a successful outcome.
We know that many people going to court without legal representation are often stressed, worried and unsure of the procedure that needs to be followed. You might well be feeling fearful, frustrated or overwhelmed by what you need to do. That need not be the case as the small claims system is intended to be more user friendly and used by people who do not have benefits of legal representation.
However, the court and the rules which apply were designed for lawyers. The rules are not terribly user friendly and can be overwhelming. Our site and Ultimate Guide are here to help you understand the process and to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
What Is The Small Claims Court And Why Use It?
Hundreds of thousands of claims are started each year in the courts.
How does the court deal with low value civil claims and what difference is there to higher value claims?
What is the small claims mediation service and is it worth using?
What Can You Do To Prepare For Trial?
The saying goes “fail to prepare and prepare to fail”.
The more quality preparation you make in advance of the hearing, the better chance you give yourself at trial.
In particular, it is very important to meet any deadlines set by the court.
The Judge And What To Expect At Trial
What to expect on the day of the small claims court trial. What should you call the Judge? What if the other person is lying?
The process needn’t be nerve-wrecking. The more prepared you are, the less nervous you should be.
We Welcome Feedback But Cannot Give Advice
This site was created to help those who might not have been to court and are worried about not knowing the rules and correct procedure.
Whilst we cannot go over every type of claim or problem that might arise, we hope to give you an overview of what to expect and deal with the most common issues you might want to know more about.
We cannot provide advice or respond to specific questions but we will add content as and when we can, covering areas people need help with.
As well as this site, we have produced our Ultimate Guide, which is a comprehensive guide of the small claims court process, from start to finish and in easy to understand language.
This site and our Ultimate Guide only relate to small claims in England and Wales. Other countries, even Scotland, have different rules. It deals with simple small claims matters and not specialist disputes such as personal injury, employment or landlord & tenant disputes as they have their own special rules in the court procedure (the Civil Procedure Rules).
If You Need Legal Advice
If you need advice or representation, we strongly urge you to obtain independent legal advice.
We would be happy to make an introduction to a firm of solicitors and it you click the link below, we have a list of other support bodies that might be able to help.
Grasp The Nettle And Resolve Your Dispute
Legal disputes can be stressful and overwhelming. Whether you are a business or an individual,...
Compulsory Small Claims Mediation
The court system has introduced compulsory small claims mediation. All defended claims for money,...
The County Court Money Claims Centre Is No More!!!
From 14th August 2023 onwards, the County Court Money Claims Centre and County Court Business...
Our site is here to give you a free overview of what the procedure is, what to expect and tips to improve your chances of winning. The content on this site and the Ultimate Guide are prepared by an experienced litigation lawyer, using easy to understand language.
It does not cover claims such as personal injury, employment, insolvency or landlord & tenant, as the Civil Procedure Rules, administration and forms for those claims are different. Nor does it cover issues in the criminal courts such as local authority parking fines or council tax arrears.
We cannot provide advice on specific claims.
Our site only relates to the courts of England and Wales