Types of Claim in the Small Claims Court

Types of Claim in the Small Claims Court

The work in the County Courts, tends to be carried out by full time District Judges. Sometimes part time Judges deal with cases as well and are known as Deputy District Judges.

They will deal with a very broad range of issues including small claims and fast track disputes, family / children matters, insolvency, property possession claims and more.

Our site is only concerned with small claims but it is useful for you to know what other types of claim the Judge tends to deal with as part of their workload.

Examples Of Types of Claim

The vast majority of the types of claim in the small claims track, will be of a value of less than £10,000. They also tend to involve someone (the Claimant) asking the court to make an order compelling the other person (the Defendant) to pay them a sum of money. Typical claims in the small claims court include:

  • Pursuing unpaid invoices.
  • Breach of contract claims.
  • Sale of goods and services disputes.
  • Claims for unpaid rent.
  • Building disputes.
  • Professional negligence claims.

It is possible to pursue personal injury claims in the small claims court, where the value of the claim brought is less than £1,000. The rules for personal injury claims, including the time limits to bring them, are different so we recommend you speak to a solicitor about your case as soon as possible.

You can also pursue some employment claims in the small claims court, when they relate to breach of contract. Certain types of employment claim must be brought in the employment tribunal and there tend to be fairly short time limits to get claims issued. You are best speaking to a solicitor about any employment claim you may have as soon as possible.

You should also check whether any of the terms and conditions that apply to the dispute, provide that the dispute must be resolved by an alternative means, such as arbitration or adjudication. If it does, you may be bound to use the alternative specified, rather than the courts.

By Small Claims Court Genie