Video Link Evidence In Court

Video link evidence in court is likely to become more common, even in civil claims. The facilities of the different courts in the country vary widely. Some old court buildings are crumbling and indeed a great number have been closed in the past few years. Some of the...

Ground Rent Scandal

There has been a great deal of press about a ground rent scandal and the difficulty onerous lease provisions put householders in, both in relation to the sums payable, use of the property and indeed selling it.   Leasehold Titles – The Ground Rent Scandal...

Rude Solicitor? Remind Them Of This New Guidance

Rude solicitor? Hopefully, you haven’t encountered one but they are out there. Some lawyers can find dealing with litigants in person (people using the courts without legal representation) to be a difficult experience. The Law Society, Bar Council and CILEx have...

Legal Aid Cuts Are Not Saving Costs As Hoped

Legal aid cuts were intended to save public money. However, the reduced availability of legal aid funding is putting pressure on the court system as many people dealing with civil claims are having to struggle on without help or representation, because they cannot...

Free Court Information Is Inadequate For Litigants In Person

There was an interesting comment in this week’s Law Society Gazette from a reader about the lack of support for unrepresented litigants. The person writing, was writing as a litigant in person who had represented herself in the County Court. It was a response to the...